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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Tobermory Bay

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Sung by Valerie Dunbar

I'm yearning for my Hebridean island,
The mountains there are heather sweet today.
It may be just because my heart is Highland
I long for Mull and Tobermory Bay.
The fishing boats, the nip of Autumn weather.
The spindrift, the excitement of the fray,
The toil of hauling in the nets together,
Then homing back to Tobermory Bay.

Down here I feel I'm not belonging rightly,
The Lowlands are attractive in their way.
But all the same my mind is anchored tightly
To sunrise over Tobermory Bay.
To kindly folk too honest to deceive me,
I'd guarantee their goodness any day.
Their Highland hearts are truer gold believe me,
Than all the gold in Tobermory Bay.

The birds need only lift their wings and wander,
I wish I were as fortunate as they.
If I had wings to spread I'd fly them yonder,
And settle down by Tobermory Bay.
My dream of Mull grows stronger still and stronger,
So strong it is I dare not disobey.
It's home for me, I can indeed no longer
Resist the call of Tobermory Bay.

My dream of Mull grows stronger still and stronger,
So strong it is I dare not disobey.
It's home for me, I can indeed no longer
Resist the call of Tobermory Bay.

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