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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Wallace

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Sung by Alastair McDonald

They hung Wallace high on the gallows
And let him down ere he was dead
And while he choked the Queen jeered him
For daring to cross English Ted
His heart and his liver they savaged
As Her Majesty watched the glad scene
His head was cut off, he was quartered
Twas an afternoon fit for a Queen

Chorus ...
They murdered the Wallace for treason
His body has long since decayed
But no English crown can destroy him
For Wallace is with us today,
Ay, Wallace is with us today

He took up his sword against England
The cowardly Sassenach ran
He met them at Falkirk and Stirling
And he burned them like rats from our land
King Edward of England was raging
That Scotland was free once again
The Scottish Republican Army
Had wiped out his best fighting men

Chorus .....

Oh William the Wallace fought bravely
No Englishman could him defeat
But English gold bought Scottish quislings
And he was betrayed by Mentieth
With a crown made of thorns he was tortured
For setting his own country free
"How am I a traitor, cried Wallace,
When England is foreign to me?"

Chorus .....

Through Edinbrugh, Stirling and Falkirk
From Inverness to Elderslie
His spirit is calling for justice
And commands us to set ourselves free
And when once again we do battle
For Scotland against foreign scum
With no fear of betrayal to the Saxons
Let them come, let them come, let them come !

Final Chorus .....
They murdered the Wallace for treason
His body has long since decayed
But no English crown can destroy him
For Wallace is with us today,
Ay, Wallace is with us today
Ay, Wallace is with us today
Ay, Wallace is with us today
Ay, Wallace is with us today ........

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