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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Glasgow Dan

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Sung by Gaberlunzie

His name was Glasgow Dan, he was the old melodeon man.
He sang his songs of peace and justice all across the land.
He sang both rich and bold, with a voice of liquid gold.
Bringing happiness and teardrops to the eyes of young and old

Glasgow Dan;
The Music Man;
Singin' songs and making music of his country

He was born in Glasgow town with the shipyards all around
He gained his education from the gutter, and the ground.
But he listened and he cried with the music of the Clyde,
Of the cockers and the platers, and the turnin' of the tide.


He was 17 years old, when he first took to the road.
With a battered old melodeon, and the sunlight for his load.
For 40 years or more he tramped from shore te shore
Singin' songs and making music of the country and its lore.


He wandered up and down singin' songs from town to town.
At markets and at fairgrounds, in places of renown.
And all he'd ever seek was a bed and a bite to eat.
The crack beside the ingle, and a dram before he'd sleep.


He missed the mighty Boer and the Kaiser's bloody war.
Then in '39 they drafted him far from his native shore.
When next he saw the Clyde...there was shrapnel in his side.
And his songs were filled with sadness for the countless men who died.


His name was Glasgow Dan he was the old melodeon man.
But his heart was surely broken by the cruelties of man.
...So with winter's cloak around... He just lay down, on the ground...
Since he died...his ol' melodeon..hasn't made another sound...

Glasgow Dan.
The Music Man.
Singin' songs and making music of his country.

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