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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Flooers o' The Forest

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Sung by The Livingstone Trio

I've heard the liltin, at the ewe milkin,
Lassies a-liltin before the dawn oday;
Now they are moaning on ilka green loaning,
"The Flooers o the Forest are a' wede awa".

At e'en in the gloamin, nae younkers are roamin,
'Bout stacks wi' the lasses at bogle to play.
But ilk quine sits drearie, lamentin her dearie,
The flooers o the forest are a' wede awa.

Dool an wae the order "Then gone lads tae the Border!"
The English there fur yince by guile wan the day.
The flooers o the forest, that fought aye the foremost,
The prime o oor lan are cauld in the clay.

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