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John's Scottish Sing-Along
My Ain Folk

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Sung by Anne Simmons

Far frae my hame I wanner,
But still my thoughts return
To my ain folk ower yonder,
In the sheiling by the burn
I see the cosy ingle,
And the mist abune the brae
And joy and sadness mingle,
As I list some auld-warld lay

And it's oh but I'm longing for my ain folk
Tho' they be but lowly, peer orplain folk
I am far ayon the sea, but my hert will ever be
At hame in dear auld Scotland wi’ my ain folk

O' their absent ane they're telling,
The auld folk by the fire
And I mark a swift tear swelling,
As the rosy flame leaps high’r
How the mither wad caress me,
Were I but by her side
Noo she prays that heav'n will bless me,
Though the stormy seas divide

And it's oh but I'm longing for my ain folk
Tho' they be but lowly, peer or plain folk
I am far ayon the sea, but my hert will ever be
At hame in dear auld Scotland wi’ my ain folk

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