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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Slippy Stane

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Wauk canny through this weary wirld
An pick yir steps wi’ care
An nivver wi’ yir neeboors quarrel
Bit aye dae whit is fair
Fowks fa' an nivver rise again
Wha nivver fell afore
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At ev'ry body’s door
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At every body’s door

Gin yir neeboors chance tae slip
Ye mauna pass them by
Bit len’ a han, an help them up
Bit dinna let them lie
The case micht sometimes be yir ain
Tho’ ye hae wealth in store
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At ev'ry body’s door
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At every body’s door

There are slippy stanes whaur e’er ye gang
In palace, court or ha'
An ye maun watch an nae gang wrang
Or ow’r one ye micht fa’
Fur emperors an kings hae la’en
An’ nobles mony a score
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At ilka body’s door
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At every body’s door
There’s aye a wee bit slippy stane
At every body’s door.

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