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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Crookit Baw Bee

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The Angus Fitchet Dance Band play ...

in English -The Twisted Penny

Oh where-ever got you that old crookit penny
For one of bright gold would you bargain with me?
Bulging are both ends of my silken wallet,
And fine will your home be in lovely Glen Shee !

It is long since I saw the dear youngster that had it,
Who when we were children he gave it to me;
For of all the bright gold in your green silken wallet,
I never would give for my twisted bawbee !

in English - Old Scots Mother Mine

Old Scots Mother Mine,
You are with me all the while,
Your kind old eyes,
And your so dear sweet smile.
Though we're far apart,
For the sake of times gone by,
God bless and keep you
Dear old Scottish mother mine.

in English - My Own Folk

Far from my home I wander,
But still my thoughts return,
To my own folk o'er yonder
In the cottage by the burn. [stream]
I see the cosy fireside,
And mist above the brae, [steep hill]
And joy and sadness mingle
As I hear some old-world lay. [song]

And it's oh! but I'm longing for my own folk;
Though they be but lowly, poor and plain folk.
I am far across the sea,
But my heart will always be
At home in dear old Scotland with my own folk.

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