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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Toorie On His Bonnet

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Sung by Tommy Scott

MacTavish was pipe major
In the Highland Scots Brigade
And proudly led the regiment
When it was on parade
He loved a highland lassie
And before he went away
She bought a little keepsake
So he'd think of her each day

It's the toorie on his bonnet
The red toorie on it
The red toorie-oorie-oorie ay
He wore his kilt and sporran
And off he went to war in
His red toorie-oorie-oorie-ay.
And when swingin' intae action,
He's the centre of attraction
He's the pride o' bonnie Scotland
So they say.
What made the 'Gerries' run
It was not his tommy gun
But was the toorie on his bonnet
The bonnie toorie on it
The red toorie-oorie-oorie-ay.


Extra verse ....

When he came home on furlough
To his wee bit but 'n ben?
He met his bonnie Jeanie
And went roamin down the glen
She said to him MacTavish man
If you were true to me
You'd give me your old glengarry
For there's one thing I must see

It's the toorie on his bonnet
The red toorie on it
The red toorie-oorie-oorie ay
He wore his kilt and sporran
And off he went to war in
His red toorie-oorie-oorie-ay.
And when swingin' intae action,
He's the centre of attraction
He's the pride o' bonnie Scotland
So they say.
What made the 'Gerries' run
It was not his tommy gun
But was the toorie on his bonnet
The bonnie toorie on it
The red toorie-oorie-oorie-ay.

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