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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Bonnie Lass O' Fyfie, O

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Sung by The Joe Gordon folk Four

Noo there wis a troop o' Irish dragoons
Came marchin' doon through Fyfie, O
An' the captain's fa'in in love wi' a verra bonnie lass
Her name it wis caa'd pretty Peggy-O

Come doon the stairs Pretty Peggy, ma dear
Come richt doon the stairs Pretty Peggy-O
Come richt doon the stairs an' let doon yir yella hair
An' tak a last fareweel o' yir daddy-o

There's mony a bonnie lass doon the Howe o' Auchterless
There's mony a bonnie lass in the Gairi'-o
There's mony a bonnie Jean in the streets o' Aiburdeen
But the flooer o' them aa's in Fyvie, O

It's braw, yes it's braw, a captain's lady tae be
It's braw tae be a captain's lady-o
It's braw tae ride an' rant an' tae follow wi' the camp
Tae march when yir captain is ready-o

There's mony a bonnie lass doon the Howe o' Auchterless
There's mony a bonnie lass in the Gairi'-o
There's mony a bonnie Jean in the streets o' Aiburdeen
But the flooer o' them aa's in Fyvie, O

Musical Interlude

'Twis early neist mornin', when we marched far awa'
An' oh bit wur captain he wis sorry-o
The drums they did beat ow'r the bonnie braes o' G'icht
An' the band played the Lowlands o' Fyvie, O

Green growe the birks oan the bonnie Eithanside
Low lie the lowlands o' Fyvie, O
Oor captain's name wis Ned an' he died jist fur a maid
He died fur the bonny lass o' Fyvie, O

There's mony a bonnie lass doon the Howe o' Auchterless
There's mony a bonnie lass in the Gairi'-o
There's mony a bonnie Jean in the streets o' Aiburdeen
But the flooer o' them aa's in Fyvie, O

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