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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Song of the Clyde [Original Words]

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Sung here by Allan Bruce

I sing of a river I'm happy beside
The song that I sing is a song of the Clyde
Of all Scottish rivers it’s dearest to me
It flows from Leadhills all the way to the sea
It borders the orchards of Lanark so fair
Meanders through meadows with sheep grazing there
But from Glasgow to Greenock, in towns on each side
The hammers' "ding-dong" is the song of the Clyde

Oh the River Clyde, the wonderful Clyde
The name of it thrills me and fills me with pride
And I'm satisfied whate'er may betide
The sweetest of songs is the song of the Clyde

When sun sets on dockland there's beauty to see
The cry of a seabird is music to me
The blast of a horn loudly echoes and then
A stillness descends on the water again
'Tis here that the sea-going liners are born
But unlike the salmon they seldom return
Can you wonder the thoughts of the ocean so wide
Should constantly long for the song of the Clyde

Oh the River Clyde, the wonderful Clyde
The name of it thrills me and fills me with pride
And I'm satisfied whate'er may betide
The sweetest of songs is the song of the Clyde

Oh the River Clyde, the wonderful Clyde
The name of it thrills me and fills me with pride
And I'm satisfied whate'er may betide
The sweetest of songs is the song of the Clyde

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