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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Royal Mile

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Transcribed here, as best as could be heard, when sung by Kenneth McKellar ....

If fate decrees that I could walk but just one mile each day,
And I with age and sorrows weighed, were given my choice of way;
I'd choose from ev'ry mile I've crossed on land or sea or air,
A mile that makes a Scotsman proud of Edinburgh fair!

Oh, let me walk the Royal Mile that's Scotland's brave highway,
Where at one o'clock from the Castle Rock comes auld Reekie's call each day;
And as the echo sounds in the Palace grounds then the heavens on Scotland smile;
And you'll make your day in the royal way on the Royal Mile.

For when I walk this famous mile the air about me rings
With footsteps made in years gone-by, by princes, queens and kings;
For here is Scotland's history, here freedom lost and won,
And here my heart is ever homing till my life is done.

Oh, let me walk the Royal Mile that's Scotland's brave highway,
Where at one o'clock from the Castle Rock comes auld Reekie's call each day;
And as the echo sounds in the Palace grounds then the heavens on Scotland smile;
And you'll make your day in the royal way on the Royal Mile.

Yes, you'll make your day in a royal way on the Royal Mile!

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