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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Road To The Isles

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Phoenix Choir

Oh a far croonin is pullin me away
As I take I wi my cromak to the road
The far Cuillins are puttin love on me
As step I wi the sunlight for my load

Sure by Tummel and Loch Rannoch and Lochaber I will go
By heather tracks wi heaven in the wilds
If its thinkin in your inner hert braggarts in my step
You’ve never smelt the tangle O the isles

Oh The far Cuillins are puttin love on me
As step I wi my cromak to the isles

Its by Shiel water the track is to the west
By Aillort and by Morar to the sea
The cool cresses I am thinkin o for pluck
And bracken for a wink on Mothers knee

Sure by Tummel and Loch Rannoch and Lochaber I will go
By heather tracks wi heaven in the wilds
If its thinkin in your inner hert braggarts in yir step
You’ve never smelt the tangle O the isles

Oh The far Cuillins are puttin love on me
As step I wi my cromak to the isles

It's the Blue Islands are pullin me away
Their laughter puts a leap upon the lame
The Blue Islands from the Skerries to the Lews
Wi heather honey taste upon each name

Sure by Tummel and Loch Rannoch and Lochaber I will go
By heather tracks wi heaven in the wilds
If its thinkin in your inner hert braggarts in my step
You’ve never smelt the tangle O the isles

Oh The far Coollins are puttin love on me
As step I wi my cromak to the isles

The 'Cromack' is the shepherds crook or a walking stick!

Original air - Malcolm Johnson of Barra
These lyrics - Kenneth MacLeod

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