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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Corn Rigs

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Sung by 'Kev' frae Fife

It fell upon a Lammas nicht,
When corn rigs wur bonie, O
'Neath the moon's unclouded licht,
I held awa tae Annie O
The time flew by, wi tentless heed;
Till, 'tween the late an early, O
Sma persuasion she agreed
Tae see me throw the barley O

Corn rigs, an barley rigs,
An corn rigs are bonnie O
I'll ne'er forget that happy nicht,
Among the rigs wi Annie O

Sky wis blue, an wind wis still,
The moon wis shining clairly O
I laid her doon, wi richt guid will,
Amang the rigs o barley O
Ken't her hert wis aa my ain;
So I loo'd her maist sincerely O
I kiss'd her owre an owre again,
Among the rigs o barley O

Corn rigs, an barley rigs,
An corn rigs are bonnie O
I'll ne'er forget that happy nicht,
Among the rigs wi Annie O

I lock'd her in ma fond embrace;
Her hert wis beatin rarely O
Blessins on this happy place,
Amang the rigs o barley O
But by the moon anstars so bricht,
That shone that hour so clearly O
I aye shall bless this happy nicht
Among the rigs o' barley O

Corn rigs, an barley rigs,
An corn rigs are bonnie O
I'll ne'er forget that happy nicht,
Among the rigs wi Annie O

I hae been blythe wi comrades dear;
An I hae been merry drinking O
I hae been joyfu gaith'rin gear;
An I hae been happy thinkin O
But aa the pleesures e'er I saw,
Tho' three times doubl'd fairly O
That happy nicht wis worth them aa,
Among the rigs o' barley O

Corn rigs, an barley rigs,
An corn rigs are bonnie O
I'll ne'er forget that happy nicht,
Among the rigs wi Annie O

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