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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Ca' the Yowes

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Sung by Isobel Baillie

Ca' the yowes tae the knowes,
Ca' them whaur the heather growes,
Ca' them whaur the burnie rowes,
My bonnie dearie.

Hark, the mavis' e'ening sang
Soonding Clouden's wids amang
Then a-faulding let us gang.
My bonnie dearie.

Ca' the yowes tae the knowes,
Ca' them whaur the heather growes,
Ca' them whaur the burnie rowes,
My bonnie dearie.

More Verses

We'll gae doon by Clouden side,
Thro the hazels, spreading wide
O'er the waves that sweetly glide
Tae the moon sae clearly.

Yonder Clouden's silent tooers
Whaur, at moonshine's midnight oors,
O'er the dewy bending flooers
Fairies dance sae cheery.

Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear
Thou'rt tae Love an Heav'n sae dear
Nocht of ill may come thee near,
My bonnie dearie.

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