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John's Scottish Sing-Along
I'm Lookin For A Bonnie Lass Tae Love Me

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Sung by Sir Harry Lauder in 1925

I've jist been making up ma mind tae settle doon fur life
I've made a bit o' money so I think I'll take a wife
I'll build a cosy cottage on a hill beside the sea
I'll keep some pigs and chickens
Have ham and eggs fur tea
And so
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me, tae love me
Tae love me, love me true-oooo
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me,
Tae love me as ma mither used to do

I'll take her to the city ev'ry Chris'mas for a treat
I'll show her aa the windies walkin up an doon the street
I'll maybe buy her something but I wouldn't like to say
Cos I think the best of all the shops are closed on Chris'mas Day
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me, tae love me
Tae love me, love me true
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me,
Tae love me as ma mither used to do

Ma nights are long an lonely an I weary aa the day
I know I shouldn't say it but I'm throw'n maself away
I'm verra fascinating when you get to know my style
Ma grannie always said I'd catch a lassie with ma smile
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me, tae love me
Tae love me, love me true
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me,
Tae love me as ma mither used to do

I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me, tae love me
Tae love me, love me true
I'm lookin for a bonnie lass tae love me,
Tae love me as ma mither used to do.

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