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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Landlord Of The Aberfoyle Hotel

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Sung by Will Fyffe

For 30 years I've held the licence of this wee hotel
The fact is Ah was born in it an' reared in it as well
It's been handed down for years an' years from father on to son
An' it's recognised the house of call by each an' ev'ryone

An' I'm the landlord of the pub in Aberfoyle
An' if you're feeling thirsty from a hard day's toil
You'll find that this is jist the place for whisky an' for beer
You'll find a Scottish welcome ...ay an' herty Scottish beer
If it happens that the doors are closed an' the clocks have all struck ten
Jist tap upon the back-door, dinnae ring the bell
An' down will come the landlord of the Aberfoyle Hotel

Ah'll be there mind ye

We get lots of folks fae Glesgae on a Sunday afternoon
Motor bikes an' hikers by the dizzen gaither roon
Ah fill them up wi' haggis, ay an' lots of biled ham
For it makes them awfae thirsty so they hiv tae hiv a dram

An' I'm the landlord of the pub in Aberfoyle
An' if you're feeling thirsty from a hard day's toil
You'll find that this is jist the place for whisky an' for beer
You'll get a Scottish welcome ...ay an' herty Scottish beer
If it happens thit the doors are closed and the clocks have all struck ten
Jist tap upon the back-door, dinnae ring the bell
An' down will come the landlord of the Aberfoyle Hotel

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