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John's Scottish Sing-Along
MacIain of Glencoe

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Tradition has it that Big Henry, otherwise Eannig Mor Mac Righ Neachtan, son of King Nectan, ruler of Caledonia in the 8th century, founded the Clan Henderson of Glencoe. Clan Henderson of the North lived in Glencoe in Argyllshire and took their name from an anglicised version of their Gaelic name Maceanruig. Traditionally, they formed the bodyguard for the MacIain Macdonald Chiefs of Glencoe. When the Massacre of Glencoe took place in 1692, Big Henderson of the Chanters, the Chief's piper, was among those killed.

Sung by Moira Kerr

Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glen
From my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIain
The name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of Highland men
My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.

The royal stag stands proudly on the hill
Falling prey to man his mortal foe
Some men know nought of dignity or pride
And strike with no respect their deadly blow.

Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glen
From my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIain
The name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of Highland men
My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.

The east is flanked by Buachaile Etive Mor
At south the highest Bidian is here
Of treachery no warning will they give
But from the Signal Rock betrayal sounded clear.

Yet still my lonely spirit soars, amid the mountains and the glen
From my ancestral burial ground, I am MacIain
The name MacDonald echoes still, within the hearts of Highland men
My restless soul will never sleep, I am MacIain.

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