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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Hail Caledonia

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Sung by Robert Wilson

Hail Caledonia ! land of my childhood,
Home of my birth, so radiant and fair.
Though I have roam'd through the world and its beauties,
Nowhere on earth with thee can compare.
Thou art majestic and regal in splendour,
Thou art the home of the gallant and free,
Lassies wi herts aye sae true and sae tender.
Hail Caledonia! how I love thee!

Let the Irish sing of their Em'rld Isle
Where the four leav'd shamrock grows,
Let the English praise their valleys and braes,
And the bonny blooming rose,
But give me the land of the heather and the kilt,
The mountains and the river,
For the blood leaps in my veins
When I hear the bagpipe's strains
Scotland, dear old Scotland forever!

Hail Caledonia! birthplace of heroes
Whose names are inscribed on the parchment of fame;
Heroes whose seeds were a noble example
That others might follow and honour thy name.
Scotsmen, I give you a toast, make it your toast
Fill up your glasses, aye, full to the brim:
Here's tae Auld Scotland, her lads and her lassies -
Long Rule Britannia! God Save the King!

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