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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Campbells Are Coming

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Sung by The Glasgow Orpheus Choir

The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin to bonnie Lochleven
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!


Upon the Lomonds I lay, I lay
Upon the Lomonds I lay, I lay
I looked down to bonnie Lochleven
And saw three bonnie perches play.
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin to bonnie Lochleven
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!


The great Argyle he goes before
He maks his cannons and guns to roar
Wi' sound o trumpet, pipe and drum
The Campbells are comin Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!
The Campbells are comin to bonnie Lochleven
The Campbells are comin, Opum! Opum!


The Campbells they are a' in arms
Their loyal faith and truth to show
Wi' banners rattling in the wind
The Campbells are comin Oho, Oho!
The Campbells are comin, Oho, Oho!
The Campbells are comin, Oho, Oho!
The Campbells are comin to bonnie Lochleven
The Campbells are comin, Oho, Oho!
The Campbells are comin, Oho, Oho!
The Campbells are comin, Oho, Oho!
The Campbells are comin to bonnie Lochleven
The Campbells are comin, Oho, Oho!

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