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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Northern Lights Of Old Aberdeen

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Sung by Kenneth McKellar

The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Mean home sweet home to me
The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Are what I long to see
I’ve been a wand'rer all of my life
Any many a sight I've seen
God speed the day when I'm on my way
To my home in Aberdeen

When I was a lad, a tiny wee lad
My mother said to me
"Come see the Northern Lights my boy
They're bright as they can be".
She called them the heavenly dancers
They're dancers in the sky
I'll ne'er forget that wonderful sight
They made the heavens bright

The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Mean home sweet home to me
The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Are what I long to see
I’ve been a wand'rer all of my life
Any many a sight I've seen
God speed the day when I'm on my way
To my home in Aberdeen

I've wandered in many far-off lands
And travelled many a mile
I've missed the folk I cherished most
The joy of a friendly smile
It warms up the heart of the wand'rer
The clasp of a welcoming hand
To greet me when I return
Home to my native land

The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Mean home sweet home to me
The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen
Are what I long to see
I’ve been a wand'rer all of my life
Any many a sight I've seen
God speed the day when I'm on my way
To my home in Aberdeen

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