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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Cailin mo rùin-sa (Dearest my own one)

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A Gaelic Love Song
by Donald Ross

Oh dearest my own one, oh won't you be mine,
So full of devotion, so modest and kind?
My heart's full of longing and yearning for you;
Come close to me, darling --- you know I'll be true.

How charming you were, dear, when first in the glen
I made your acquaintance, and ever since then
Without you I'm lonely; none other will do;
Those brown eyes enthralled me --- it had to be you.

Oh dearest my own one, oh won't you be mine,
So full of devotion, so modest and kind?
My heart's full of longing and yearning for you;
Come close to me, darling --- you know I'll be true.

I'll always remember that evening in May;
We rambled the woodlands and meadows so gay;
The chorus of song birds, how sweet their refrain,
'Midst fragrance of wild flow'rs refreshed by the rain.

Oh dearest my own one, oh won't you be mine,
So full of devotion, so modest and kind?
My heart's full of longing and yearning for you;
Come close to me, darling --- you know I'll be true.

Do you now remember that moment of bliss,
So fondly embracing, the thrill of that kiss?
Since then you are mine, dear, the choice of my heart;
My promise I'll give you, that we'll never part.

My promise I'll give you, that we'll never part.


Cailin mo rùin-sa is leannan mo ghràidh,
Ainnir mo chridh-sa 's i cuspair mo dhàin.
Tha m'inntinn làn sòlais bhi tilleadh gun dàil,
Gu cailin mo rùin-sa is leannan mo gràidh.

1. B'òg chuir mi eòlas air leannan mo ghràidh,
'S a rinn mise suas ri'sa ghleannan gu h-àrd;
A gnuis tha cho aoidheil, làn gean agus bàigh,
Is mise bhios cianail, mur faigh mi a làmh.

2. Gur tric sinn le chéile gabhail cuairt feadh an àit',
'S a falbh troimh na cluaintean gach bruachag is màgh;
Na h-eoin bheag le smudan a' seinn dhuinn an dàn,
'S toirt fàilte do'n mhaighdinn d'an d'thug mi mo ghràdh.

3. Bha mise làn aoibhneis nuair fhuair mi cheud phòg,
Bho'n chaileig ghrinn uasail tha aighearach òg.
'S e mo mhiann is mo dhùrachd, cho fad 's bhios mi beò,
A bhi pòsd' ris a' ghruagaich tha suairc agus còir.

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