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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Scottish Psalter 1615

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Note that this song isn't sung to you.. just the music

The Lyrics used by The Glasgow Orpheus Choir
at Warm-Up Psalm Practice in the 1920s


Come, let us sing the tune of "French"
The second measure low,
The third exalted very high,
The fourth goes down to “doh".

Behold how good a thing it is,
And how becoming well,
Tae hae a great big treacle piece,
And eat it all yersel’.

Few are thy days and full of woe,
O man of woman born;
I canna say nae mair the day,
I’ll say the rest the morn.

Keep silence all ye sons of men,
And hear with reverence due;
The Maister he’s gane oot tae smoke,
But he’ll be back the noo.

Oh Paisley is a bonnie toon,
And stands upon a hill;
And through it rins the river Cart
That drives the Seedhill mill.

St. Magnus is a noble tune, -
On high your voices raise,
And when we reach the highest notes,
The lassies burst their stays!

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