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Sung by Sir Harry Lauder
There's a good old Scottish custom
That has stood the taste of time
It's a custom that's been carried out
In every land and clime
Where brother Scots forgather
Its aye the usual thing
Just before we say goodnicht,
We fill our cups and sing ......
Just a wee deoch an doris,
Just a wee dram that's a'
Just a wee deoch an doris,
Before we gang awa'
There's a wee-wee wifie waiting
In a wee but and ben
If you can say it's a braw bricht moon licht nicht
Well you're a' richt, ye ken.
I like a man, who is a man,
A man who's straight and fair
A sort of man who will and can,
In all things do his share
I like a man, a jolly man,
The sort of man you know
The person who claps your back and says,
Man Jock "before we go". ......
Just a wee deoch an doris,
Just a wee dram that's a'
Just a wee deoch an doris,
Before we gang awa'
There's a wee -wee wifie waiting
In a wee but and ben
If you can say it's a braw bricht moon licht nicht
Well you're a' richt, ye ken.