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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Road An' The Miles Tae Dundee

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The Sydney Devine Version of the lyrics

Cauld winter was howlin' o'er moor an' o'er mountain,
An' wild was the surge of the dark rolling sea,
When just about daybreak I met a young lassie,
Wha asked me the road an' the miles tae Dundee.

Said I, "My young lassie, I canna weel tell ye
The road or the distance I canna weel gie.
But if ye'll permit me tae gang a wee bittie,
I'll show ye the road an' the miles tae Dundee".

At once she consented an' gave me her arm,
Ne'er a word did I speir wha that lassie might be,
She appeared like an angel in feature an' form,
As she walked by my side on the road tae Dundee.

I took the gold pin from the scarf I was wearing
An' said "Carry this in remembrance o' me
Then bravely I kissed the sweet lips o' that lassie,
E'er I parted wi' her on the road tae Dundee.

So here's tae that lassie, I ne'er can forget her,
An' ilka young laddie wha's list'nin' tae me,
O never be sweer tae convoy a young lassie
Though it's only tae show her the road tae Dundee.

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