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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Noo

by George Cormack and Irene Sharp

The days aye go roon an I long fur ye soon
No next year .... but the noo
Oh why should we wait there's nae time tae be blate
Be my dear, come the noo
The meenits are fleein, an love may be seein
In spite ma gree
We cannae pit by aa the joys o' July till the year's nights deepen
Oh while I could laugh an we don't pit it aff fur the noo, comes the noo
I'll gie ye a cuddle an plant a wee kiss on yir broo
Next month, maybe come snell
It micht be too blawy as well
So come tae ma airms an I'll tell ye I love ye the noo.

..... Ay the noo
..... Comes the noo

The meenits are fleein an love may be seein
In spite our gree
We canna pit by aa the joys o' July till a year next Easter
Oh while I shid laugh an ye don't pit it aff fur the noo, come the noo
I'll gie ye a cuddle an plant a wee kiss on yir broo
Next month maybe too swell
It micht be too blawy as well
So come tae ma airms an I'll tell ye I love ye the noo.

Oh come tae ma airms an I'll tell ye I love ye the noo.

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