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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Bonnie Wells o' Wearie

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Sung by Bill McCue

Come let us climb old Arthur Seat,
When summer flow'rs are blooming;
When golden broom and heather bells
Are a' the air perfuming.
When sweet May gowans deck the braes,
The oors flee past fu' cheerie,
Where bonnie lassies bleach their claes
Beside the Wells o' Wearie!

The bonnie Wells o' Wearie!
The bonnie Wells o' Wearie!
Come let us spend a summer day
Beside the Wells o' Wearie!

There Scotland's Queen in stormy times
Forgot her saddest story;
There brave Prince Chairlie led his clans
To deeds o' martial glory.
When Johnnie Cope, wi' a' his men
Were scatter'd tapselteerie,
There Scotland's banner proudly waved
Beside the Wells o' Wearie!

The bonnie Wells o' Wearie!
The bonnie Wells o' Wearie!
Come let us spend a summer day
Beside the Wells o' Wearie!

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