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John's Scottish Sing-Along
The Gathering Of The Clans

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The clans are gathering, gathering, gathering
Through the deep glens and from faraway lands
From cottage and shieling wild music is stealing
Horo for the gathering of the clans.
The pipers are sounding in lowland and highland
The laddies sae brave and the lassies say braw
They come from the hill and they come from the island
And some from across the wide ocean an' a'
The clans are gathering, gathering, gathering
Through the deep glens and from faraway lands
From cottage and shieling wild music is stealing
Horo for the gathering of the clans.

The Campbells and Camerons and Grants and MacDonalds
Are proud of the tartans that swing as they go
The couthy young callants and border braw gallants
The bonny gay Gordons and men of Munro
The clans are gathering, gathering, gathering
Through the deep glens and from faraway lands
From cottage and shieling wild music is stealing
Horo for the gathering of the clans.
The clans are gathering, gathering, gathering
Through the deep glens and from faraway lands
From cottage and shieling wild music is stealing
Horo for the gathering of the clans.

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