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John's Scottish Sing-Along
That's The Reason Noo I Weer A Kilt

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Sung by Harry Lauder

Oh dear me I'm fair shiverin tae the bone.
I'm as cauld as ice.
Ay, Sure as onything ....

A lot of folk'll tell ye a kilt is not the thing tae weer;
In fact they'll tell ye thit a kilt is oot o' date;
Ah, but I have got a reason for weerin' mine, an so
I'll tell ye if ye only care tae wait.
I used tae weer a pair o' breeks before I took a wife,
But efter I'd been wed a week or three,
I selt ma troosers, bocht a kilt,
The reason was because ...
I'll explain it if ye listen noo tae me ....

Aw dear me ......

Ev'ry nicht I used tae hang ma troosers up
Oan the back o' the bedroom door;
I rued the day, I must hiv been ajay,
But I'll never hang them up any more;
For the wife she used tae ramble thru ma pooches
When I was fast asleep beneath the quilt;
In the mornin' when I woke, I wis always stoney broke;
So that's the reason noo I weer a kilt.

Aw dear .......

I'm not strong ....

I never wid have found her out but there was one nicht I come hame,
I wis feelin very queer aboot the head;
I went tae sleep in the land o' dreams,
But I woke at 3 a.m.,
An' there she wis, standin up in bed;
Oh dear,
She sheesh'd, "Be quiet for burglars! Dinna make a noise,
I'm feelin in yir pooches for a gun."
I don't know if you'd ever know, but all I know is this,
She didn't leave as much as buy a currant bun!

No ..she fair rookit me!
Oh dear me I'm, I'm shiverin tae the bone.
Sure as onything, I'm as cauld as ice.

Ev'ry nicht I used tae hang ma troosers up
Oan the back o' the bedroom door;
I rued the day, I must hiv been ajay,
But I'll never hang them up any more;
For the wife she used tae ramble thru ma pooches
When I was fast asleep beneath the quilt;
In the mornin' when I woke, I wis always stoney broke;
So that's the reason noo I weer a kilt.

Aw ... aw!

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