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John's Scottish Sing-Along
Flow'r O' The Heather

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Sung by Sir Harry Lauder

I went for a trip to the Heilans,
When the heather was bonnie in bloom;
When a something there entered my feelin';
When a something there settled my doom;
It was a lass by the name of Macgregor,
The twinkle o' her eye was the thing,
But sin-fancyin the shape o' her figure
I've done nothing but constantly sing ....

Flow'r o' the heather, my heather bell;
I know she knows I love her more than I can tell;
Aye blacky an' bonny,
An' straight as the spring in the well,
Flow'r o' the heather, my heather bell.

I never thocht I wid be captur'd;
The last o' ma thochts was a girl,
But then when a fellow's enraptured,
He seems to get into a whirl;
He wobbles, an' then he gets dizzy;
He staggers, an' then takes a seat;
While he's dizzy the lassie gets busy,
When he wakens-up she's got him beat. .....

Flow'r o' the heather, my heather bell;
I know she knows I love her more than I can tell;
Aye blacky an' bonny,
An' straight as the spring in the well,
Flow'r o' the heather, my heather bell.

Flow'r o' the heather, my heather bell;
I know she knows I love her more than I can tell;
Aye blacky an' bonny,
An' straight as the spring in the well,
Flow'r o' the heather, my heather bell.

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