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Poems and Stories from Kurtis Gilbreath
Truly Free

Did you hear the pipes my son,
Are they calling today?
No, father. Go back to bed,
No mournful tune do they play.

I know they will be needing us,
Very soon I would guess.
Our enemy is drawing near,
Our strength they do test.

Father, lie down. The war is over
Do you not recall?
You fought bravely and stood proud
They never breached the wall.

I can’t remember the battle, son.
Tell me, how’d we do?
We won the day and the lands,
But it cost a life or two.

Who’d we lose, boy? Tell me now!
Their families need to be told!
I have informed them all of our loss,
But this news is old.

Father, please lie down now,
You are looking rather ill.
Don’t worry so, father, it’s alright,
There is no one left to kill.

I think I will go and have a rest,
Wake me if you hear the pipes.
Yes, father. I will listen close,
Sleep well, and Good Night.

I hear the Piper, father.
He is playing a mournful song.
For it is not war he is playing for,
He has come to lead you Home.

As we lay you in the ground,
No more battles will you see.
We can be proud of all you’ve done,
For now you are truly Free.

Kurtis Gilbreath © 2005

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