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Stories from Chris Geis
Twelve extra minutes

BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP.  “Oh, it can’t be 6:00 yet,” I mutter as I roll over and feel for the stupid alarm clock.  My left hand can slide the bar to shut it off or my right hand can hit the snooze bar.  It really is too early to make any decisions.  The right hand wins out and the alarm quiets.

In one movement, I lay back down, sink into the comfort of my warm bed and pull up the covers.  “Yea!” I think.  Twelve more minutes to savor this warm and cozy nest.  Twelve minutes?  Not ten minutes or fifteen minutes, but twelve.  I have to wonder if there is a snooze-minute law governing the alarm clock companies. After all, there are some people who could not cope with the snooze time set at twelve minutes.  Maybe there are alarm clocks that can be adjusted to suit your wants.  I guess I will contemplate this dilemma later in the day. The lingering scent of the lavender dabbed on my pillow last night could seduce even the most alert being back into a peaceful slumber.  With one relaxing stretch, I fall back into a most pleasant rest.

CRAAACK!   RUMBLE!  “Damn!” I think frustrated.  The weather man on the news last night said that today would be minus the rain that has plagued us for days.  Maybe I should switch the TV to another channel to check the weather. The rain drops are pounding on the roof above my head.  Usually, the sound of the rain hitting this flat, poorly insulated roof is soothing.  But not today.  I have a thousand errands I need to run.  Well, maybe not a thousand, but enough. Return books to the library, drop off my boots to have the heels repaired, stop at the Post Office to buy stamps, get a birthday card for my sister, drop off the city bill,  stop at the grocery store, and fill up the gas tank on the car. Then again, if I get the stamps and birthday card at the grocery store, I won’t have to make a special stop at the Hallmark store or Post Office.  That will have save some tromping around in this dreadful rain.

“Oh geesh. Speaking of grocery store.  What will I be fixing for dinner today?” “Pork chops?”  “No. We had them a few days ago.”   “What about pizza?” “Nope. Never fails. If I fix pizza, the kids had it for lunch at school. They like pizza, but enough is enough.”  I think I will just wing it at the grocery store. So much for the well planned weekly menu I thought would save so much time and energy.   Speaking of energy, here it is Friday and I have yet to get to  the gym to work out.  I guess I will get a dedicated start next week.

“Oh my.” I think.  Next week is going to be very busy.  Orthodontist appointments, Parent/teacher conferences, Wednesday is volunteering at the nursing home, picking up my boots being repaired, and the kids need new shoes. The kids get new shoes and I get my boots repaired.  “Where is the justice?” I wonder.  Enough about next week.  I swear the last time I looked in the laundry basket there were only two socks.  “Damn.”  They must breed at night like rabbits. Leave two dirty socks together and the next thing you know, there are fifty and of course none of them are the same pattern or color.

CRAAAACK!!!  CRAAACK!!!   This thunder is so interfering with me enjoying my  twelve extra minutes of rest!!  BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP My left hand flies over to the alarm clock and slides the bar to silence this most annoying racket.  6:12.   One quick stretch and I swing my legs over the edge of the bed.  It is time to start my day.   “Oh my!”  I did forget to go to the grocery store last night to get milk. I can’t wait to see the kid’s expressions when I tell them that when I was a child we used instant milk! I am so thankful for the extra twelve minutes of rest I got this morning.

Life is good!! 

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