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Poems by Stuart Garland

From the herring stacks of Scorigrium
To he river in the glen
I bare the memory of a man so true and fair
Ronnie MacLeod is his name
And please don't take it in vain
As this man is more true than you or I

He is loyal to a degree
That would defeat both you and me
And leave us standing in the dust deep and foul
But you can bet all you can
That there are very few men
Who've met him, that wouldn't agree

He's took on jobs tough and hard
Never stirred, never marred
By the tasks that lay out ahead
He'd work as hard as he could
Sometimes longer than he should
And then drink up until he was barred

Now this man he could sing
And such pleasure he would bring
He could humble you down to a tee
Now he was good on the pipes
But it's not really as nice
As a big hairy Scotsman in song

So your glasses you should fill
And don't be shy with your gill
For this man deserves more than you think
He may be shy, it's no lie
But its time for you and I
To appreciate old Ronnie MacLeod.

Copyright 2002-2003 Stuart Garland

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