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The Works of Charles Fraser

I loved you a thousand dear.
On battle fields the world over, I had no fear.
Over the ages, I've visited sages, and paid
My soldiers wages, for one look upon your face
No more will fate chase us, destiny awaits.

Christina! I cry out your name, kindred hearts the same.
I'm your Scottish warrior prince. I've been on saddles
In battles around the head is in a whirl
Over you girl. Fate gave us a hurl and a twirl.
I see your face and pretty lace.....I'm on the case.

For centuries, my soul searched in church and lurch.
I have opened castle doors, and walked their floors.
My Highland spirit soars and Celtic heart roars.
It's you Christina, I adore, and I assure you....I want more.
We've met, long ago lass! Togther forever will be our logo.

My armour's worn, tartan torn, and my eternal love for you
I've sworn. I have slain dark souls in the name of Justice.
To king, country, God above, and you my love.
I searched for eternity, to be near during maternity.
Christina.....I long for your kisses....and you to be my misses.

Our sojourn, thru endless time brought us together.
The sweet smell of heather and eerie cry of bagpipes.
Forever more, our feathers will soar, on Scottish shores.
Two hearts beating as one......never more the soldiers gun.
Fear not the devil's is done!

Christina!.......I love you like no man's ever loved a woman.
Across the endless, timeless, centuries of old. Shrouded in mystery
And gray vapour like haunted Scottish moors on dark lonely nights.
It was you....only you.....always souls pure light.
From here on in, no more sin, together.....we shall dwell in God's Inn.

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