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The Works of Charles Fraser
The Highland Calls

What mysterious spell does fate
Cast upon unsuspecting hearts.
Does cupid again try to bind my love
With that fair maiden of destiny.
Think not my friend for I alone
Control the drum beat of my passionate
Soul. Giving freely my desires of
Romance and Highland love. From
Yon hills to sacred battlefields of
Our past, never to be forgotten in this
Life time or others. Scottish blood runs
Deep and pure. For my love there is no cure.
One long and knowing gaze of my
Cosmic steel blue eyes will melt the doubts
Of any fair lass. For in my stare lies
Secrets of desires unleashed in
Meadows of endless time, filled with
Unbridled passionate love.
Untamed and uninhibited bodies intertwine
Her breasts cling to my Highland chest,
Two brave hearts, beating as one.
Winds of time blow gently across
Scottish Thistles, bonnie Blue Bells, and
Our bare skin. Come hither Heather
Listen to the bagpipes high in yon sky.
I decide whom I choose to confide
Who will be my bride. Not you jester of
Confusion, tempter of destiny and fate. I'm
Wise to your follies, I've learnt to guard my
Heart from cupid's dart. With sounds of
Eerie pipes and rattling of drums in the
Backdrop of the universe I drop to bended knee
And proclaim my love to thee. A decision made
Freely while holding you one more time
In this enchanted meadow of yesterday. Who
Truly knows who stole the Stone of Scone?
This Highlander found true love of country,
Has never lied....and will soon marry his bride.

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