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The Works of Charles Fraser
The Scottish Thistle

Scottish Thistles stand proud amongst nature's
crowd. For a plant...we resemble,... all that is loud!
Purple bray on top a body of prickly olive green.
A pleasure to look at, a true nature's treasure.

A free and wilder plant you will never see
Untameable spirit, ferocity for life, knows strife.
The Scottish Thistle, a rare and mighty plant.
Symbol of courage for Scottish Clans.

Even mighty Cesar could not seize her
Hadrian built a wall, but Scotland
Would not fall.... Brave hearts all!
Whistle for the thistle of Scotland... the brave!

Flying kilts, marching boots, and bagpipes.
Characterize souls that are true.
Purple brays, will never sway, were here to stay!
Courage and stamina flows in our veins.
The devil does not control our reins.

Her sons and daughters paid their share
Around battle fields of the world.
Never once did they say: "Life's not fair."
Prosperity and peace, their preferred lease.

Souls loss in the devil's toss
Can be found deep in the ground.
Alive in the spirit of Scottish Thistles.
Feel free my friends to give a wee whistle.

Before cutting the Haggis
Raise a glass of scotch whiskey
Because life's a little risky.
Give a grand toast to the Scottish Thistle
And our friend Robbie Burns.

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