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Poems of Oskar Douglas
The Effen bee keeper

He kept bees in the Scot’s town of Effen
A wise Effen bee keeper was he
When one day this Effen bee keeper
Got stung by a big Effen bee!!!!!

Now the Effen bee keepers “wee” Effen wife
For the big Effen “polis“ she ran
For there’s naebody can sort out a big Effen bee
Like a big Effen polis man can

Now the big Effen polis was fit as a fiddle
And he ran doon the main Effen street
In his hand was a big Effen baton
He had big Effen boots on his feet

Now the big Effen polis caught the big Effen bee
And he twisted the Effen bee’s wings
But the big Effen bee goat it’s ain back
‘Cos this big Effen bee hud twae stings

Now they’re both in the Effen museum
Where the Effen folk oft come tae see
The remains of the big Effen polis
Stung tae death by a big Effen bee.


March 24th 2023 I received an email saying...

Great to see the Big Effen Bee on the Electric Scotland site. However it was written by my father Matt McGinn and not Oscar Douglas. Could that be rectified on your site, please? 

Shonagh McGinn

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