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Graham Donachie's Stories
Sleep.. perchance to dream

when sleep has come and all is still
and i in slumber lie,
she comes to me through misty dream..
and the promise of her sigh
awakes a memorie within me.

her intense azure eyes I love
her breath upon my cheek.
her perfumed kiss upon my lips..
her warm moist tongue doth seek
the memorie within me.

her tiny hands all through my hair
her needs were all I sought,
her pleasure was my own campaign..
her love so dearly bought
oh..the memorie within me.

my crusade to win her failed.. and as
my love for her she mocked,
my crying eyes she cruelly spurned...
my need for her she locked
forever, within a memorie.

she left me here alone to dream
she went away from me,
she left nothing of her lovely self..
she left... and let me be...
alone...with my memorie.


The dream it comes in night’s dark shade
and lures me once again to dwell
upon my past and blinded self,
When for my love a trap was laid.

For I did love and cherish so,
that maid who robbed me of all sense
into the snare I happily fell
where fools before me, they did’st go...

I never knew the huntress, she...
who stalked the path that I did’st tread
with wide eyed look and winning smile,
she took the very soul of me...


dawn at last shines through the lids
of heavy alcoholic dim
and i awaken once again
to live the hours twixt dawn and dusk,
to labour once more at my lyfe
to mourn for long departed wyfe,
within my memorie...


Read other stories from Graham Donachie


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