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Graham Donachie's Stories
The Cinnamon Bear

Once upon a far off tyme
when fairies danced to laughing jigs
and lovers swirled in heady dance
and love was given ‘mongst barley rigs,
A girl child was born.

and to her side to hush her cries
came...a cinnamon bear with shoe button eyes...

Once upon a bairns lyfe
when play was fun and laughing loud
and hopscotch hopping did she go
and squealing screaming in the crowd,
And when into her dream tyme bed.

He watched over her sleepy sighs,
her cinnamon bear with his shoe button eyes..

Once upon a first love new
when strange and lovely lyfe was known
and love was shared in youth's embrace
and lovely sacred seeds were sown,
And in the comfort of her room.

she shared the wherefore and the why's
with her cinnamon bear with the shoe button eyes.

Once upon a pregnant pause
when family, friends and neighbours prayed
whilst suffering with her love’s first born
the babe in swaddling love it lay...
And when the babe did gently sleep.

she crept unto the tender care....
in the shoe button eyes of her cinnamon bear.

Once upon a passing day
when weeks turn months to lengthy years
she celebrated, daughter and a son
and through the laughter and the tears,
When lyfe was hectic.
she found a loving comfort there
in the shoe button eyes of her cinnamon bear.

Once upon a grannie’s luve
when skirling, birling grandson girns
when bubblin’ laughter frae him spills
she shaks her nod at his bairnie tirns
and hushing him to gentle sleep......

she looks down on her loving pair.
Her grandchild and her cinnamon bear.


Read other stories from Graham Donachie


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