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Carbolic Soap Chunks

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 16th of March, 2016,
to part of Clarence C. Wiley's music for 'Carbarlick Acid Rag'

[Recalling the daily hot/cold showers while at Phys. Ed. College, Jordanhill, 1958-61]

Carbolic soap chunks
Sore nip all eyes
Under the show'r heads
As each face fries
Fan loudly whirring
Oh how its noise
Vexes all the boys.

What is the matter ?
Why do they growl ?
Well they like singing
Songs 'fore they towel
The fan that offends
Whines just one note
And thus it gets their goat.

But they've an answer
Held in each hand
Thus throw enough chunks
Into the fan
To choke its spinning
Pleasing the choir
In their repertoire.

After some ten songs
Steam gets so thick
All think that time has come to retreat
From the scene of their soap-fan-trick
And all the misty heat.

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