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The William Dixon Cocker Song

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 28th of February, 2016
to Jeff Godfrey's 1916 music for the song,"That's The Nicest Way To Say Good Night".

A Scot called Cocker wrote poems to please that told stories from past histories.
He mostly rhymed in dialects known that were to Sassenachs unsolvable mysteries.
Sometimes he used the Lallans if it helped him rhyme, or oft spoken North Doric ..... fair sublime.
This Glesga Keelie keep him well in mind as best muse since Ayrshire-Rabbie's time.

If you don't believe me, read him closely, for he's the doyen of Scots' verse; ....
If his works inspire you, please say it now, and tell lots others what he is worth. ....
He tells of 'ups, and downers' for a lot of us, and also Bible stories of King David high on his throne,
But between each tear or smile you'll find Cocker's guile, although strange words just might make you ... moan and groan.

If you do not believe me, you're quite clearly in need of lessons in Scots' verse. ...... ......
If you do want some learning then say, "Oh Yes", and tell lots others "Please come with me." ..... ....
You're told of 'ups and downers' for you free and also Noah's story of years 'all at sea',
But between each tear or smile you'll note Cocker's skill, though queer words might make you stammer ..."I feel ill."

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