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Pine Tree And Me

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 26th of February, 2016
to Jackson and Brown's 1924 music for the song, "Easy Come - Easy Go Blues".

John speaks .....

"Old Pine Tree, you have sheltered me, when heading for the sky, though gradually;
Once 1 foot, you took root, ..... and now you're 63......
When the sun first frazzled me, or the wind gave me a chill, ....
Now foliage joins up its forces safeguarding me with a will ......
None the less, you are a pest, when dropping spikey flow'rs, ....
And cones that land as random 'bombs' for lots hours and hours
As these bloom on high, no matter how hard I try,
They stay out of reach and no easy meat ... too near the sky."

Pine Tree replies .....

"Listen do, I'll long shelter you, and all your neighbours too, so please say thank you;
Now I'm tall,'ll agree, .... I hold more family. .....
When the sun now beams upon all of us, and winds too might hear us curse, ......
Let's ev'ryone count up our blessings when living could be much worse. .......
Say no more you are a pest, when dropping spikey flow'rs,
And cones that land as random 'bombs' for lots hours and hours.
Take pity on me, an almighty o'er-worked tree,
And praise my beauty that is clearly here for all to see." ..... ......

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