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Signs of Spring And Summer

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 9th of February, 2016
to Fred Fisher's 1921 music for the song, 'Near Me'.
The piano roll is played here by Vincent Youmans.

Brief Introductory Music .....

The signs of Spring made my heart sing this little song today;
My voice in tune imagined soon more warmth was on the way. .....
"All fresh Snowdrops and Crocuses emerge to meet and greet lazy dawns
while Daffies' smiles bid welcome as they interrupt their play
and nod their heads to grass leaves sprouting as they sway ... ..... .....
If dawns prompt sunshine and no gray clouds sink down too low
all Tulips' bulbs then will push up stems and flow'rs to show
that sheltered meadows with lots of colour bright'ly glow
as their Spring blooms swing oh so proudly to and fro.

The end of Spring may heart-ache bring in diff'rent songs for May
when I am oft reminded that Spring flow'rs have had their day.
No frail Snowdrops nor Crocuses nor Daffies meet and greet any dawn
nor Tulips ling'ring also as they all have passed away
and left the field to grass leaves growing where folks play ....
If dawns prompt sunshine and some black clouds send down light rain,
A balanced dose then will mostly often be a gain
for ev'ry garden and country meadow warm or wet
hear their own flowers sing, 'Nought better will we get' "

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