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Saint Valentine

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 6th of February, 2016,
to J. Russel Robinson and Roy Turk's 1922 music for the song 'Just Because You're You'

A Saint named Valentine, on his remembrance day
He told the world, "Gals and guys, must act lovingly !"
Fourteenth Feb. was chosen by him for each and ev'ry year
To send lots love with arrowed hearts a-winging far and near.

I've obeyed him, now, with cards for Jessie,
And for Laura too, and sweet Sal and Mae.
I hoped these would excite, but not give them too big a fright,
And then a sleepless night from what I'd mailed away !

Sal then asked next day,
"Were you being truthful
When you wrote all these nice things I never knew?"
"Oh yes, I answered very quickly,
For you're cudd'ly and you're tick'ly,
And you'll find out I am too !"

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