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Physical Education

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 20th of January, 2016,
to Dudley Mecum's 1925 music for the song 'Dearie, Please Don't Be Angry'.

Jordanhill was where we went to learn to teach PE,
And what was sought from all of us was versatility;
'Gym' no longer held the floor to get school pupils fit,
As it had been well-proven that it seldom helped a whit.

'Team Games' and diverse 'Movements'
Were duly added to the list;
Most liked these changes and soon were engaging
As if nothing was amiss.
'Swimming' pools for learning-in were too found a place;
New-built 'Games' Halls' also brought-on choosing a-pace
While we, as student teachers,
Found all such progress to our taste.

Three years on was when we'd earned our College DPEs
That made us keen Probationers on monthly salaries;
But our bodies and our brains had felt so many blows
That almost all we 'Gymies' couldn't even touch our toes !

'Team Games' both in and outside
Were daily top priority'
Most liked this diet, and willingly tried it
As their welcome 'cup of tea'.
'Swimming' pools for learning-in much happiness brought
As another choice that improved PE a lot'
While we, as novice teachers,
Found the fulfilment that we'd sought.

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