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Logie (Stirling)

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 18th of January, 2016,
to L. Ray's 1913 tune for the song, 'The Sunshine of Your Smile'.

[Brief musical introduction]

Logie, it was, the Parish of my birth,
Near where the Forth meandered to its Firth;
I'm ever proud when thinking of that place,
And William Wallace, saviour of our race.

Those, of you who, there also saw first light,
Bless as I do the courage of that Knight;
Praise he was due in monumental ways
For his endeavours, so valiant all his days.

[Brief musical interlude]

Wallace, low-born, ne'er sought the Scottish crown,
But was inspired to bring the English down;
This he achieved in marshy Logie's flood,
As his opponents flound-ered in the mud.

Those, of you who, in Logie saw first light,
Bless as I do that modest honest Knight;
Praise still he's due in reverential ways
For his example, to true Scots all his days.

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