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Polka Time

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 14th of December, 2015 to B. B. Burkhart's 1989 music for The Banjo Band Polka.

Come on down, do not frown, this afternoon .... play this tune
Just for me, thirstily, sipping my tea yet hopefully.
Tap the keys, me to please, smacking my knees;
Your notes like a breeze
Get me dancing with great ease.

Next we'll hum, as a drum, beats out the time.... steadily;
Polka beat, it's a treat, guiding our feet lightly and neat.
Round we'll go, with the flow, quickly or slow Putting on a show
With brisk heel-toe .... Tired ? Oh No !

Onward we'll spin, with smile or grin,
Dodging one and all;
Reversing too, deftly its true Smoothly round the hall.
Then we will sing, and that will bring Others to a stop,
But join-in chorusin'
Till all flop,

Polka o'er, legs quite sore, limp off the floor.... let sweat pour!
Come with me, happily, to sip our tea .... thirst-quenchingly.
After that, have a chat, then's time to-trot,
Polkas maybe not !
But at waltzes .... have a shot!

That's your lot !

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