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Hale an Fere

Hale an Fere - [Healthy]

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 5th of December, 2007.
Music for this song can be listened to here

Nae yin loos mince-an-tatties jist as hauf as dis auld me.
I gobble em aa tae ma denner an I howks them doon tae tea.
I dowse yon ow'r wi ketchup an kirn meat up sae guid an true,
Syne mashin tatties up as weel 'fore graipin aa int moo.....

Maist liked pud is steamy dumplin wi custard fair weel droon'd.
Suet in the makin wi sultanas bi the poond.
Platter o graun muckle teep whaur helpin's aa tumml’d oot,
Fore speen an graip alloos the gluffin wi'oot syne ony doot.....

I maun hiv guid meat an veg fur hale an fere tae be,
Goys me weel thit sich lik dunts be aeten bi thee an me tee.
Sae sterters an some in-atweens wi spiles o aa the-guid-airth maks sproot,
The likes o peas, an beans, an greens, nae foryetin halesome fruit.

Syne waashed weel doon ma thrapple wi lang infusit cuppies o tea!

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