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Doggerel Dominie Mac

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 16th of July, 2015,to the 1925 music for the song Down By The Winegar Woiks

Mac writes lots short poems and lyrics
In Doric and Scots' English too ;
Maist are nae much gweed fan they're nae oonersteed
By a lot of his readers it's true !
But-whiles-all-can-'La-La' to the music,
And see if the rhyming's OK,
It's ainly fell Mac fa kens aa o' the wirds,
Of what he composes each day !

Mac bides doon i' the schulehoose wi' his braw kimmer Mae ;
It's aisy tae fin it, an' him fur a crack,
If you like his poetry, he'll welcome you back.
Fan schule's oot an' nae reynin', gaird'nin' till dusk's fit he'll dae ;
Then the lamps will be lit, and down he will sit
Transposing his thinking to verse bit by bit ;
Next putting pencil to paper, fresh lays might soon come folks' way.

Mac lerns bairns i' the schuleroom, as dis his kimmer Mae ;
She taks tent the quinies, he taks tent the loons ;
To start in the morning, all sing to hymn tunes.
Neist it's doon tae bizness, lernin' tae coont, screeve an' read ;
To follow comes poetry .... Mac's poems that suit ;
And singing Scots' verses with Mae on her flute ;
Last cleaning desktops and ink wells, at four off homeward all speed.

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