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Trystin In Tullyglass Wi A Toorie Lass

Lyrics composed by John Henderson on the 10th of June, 2015,
and narrated here by the Meenister of Tullyglass
and sung to The Firelight Waltz.

Verse 1
Joe spied a lass up in Tullyglass
Doon oan its saans ae day ....

She speer'd, "Hello, ye maun be 'Braw Joe',
Ah'm gled ye cam this way?"

"Losh, ye ken me, bit hoo can thit be?"
"Ah've ne'er seen ye afore"

"Weel ... Joe, ma freen Flo
Shawed me the soom-shuit ye aye wore."

Verse 2
It wisna lang 'fore they baith gat thrang
Fan paiddlin' in the sea ....

'Till Joe he speered, "Gif ye'd be sae kine
Say fit Ah shud caa ye ?"

"Weel ma name's June frae quait Toorie toon
Doon fur a guid leuk roon."

"Losh ! .... June let's ging soom,
Bit takin' guid tent nae tae droon!"

Verse 3
Lang Joe an June daff'd aneth the mune
Oontill thur troth wis plichted;
It wis a mairritch weel-makt in hivv'n,
An' baith it shair delichted.
Fan Ah'd bapteesed sax braw quines an' loons
Ah kent the Laird abeen
Hud .... Joe, an June blessed
Frae-fan-lang-syne they'd taen yon sweem.

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