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A poem composed by John Henderson on the 9th of June, 2015,
while thinking of FACEBOOK as a step in the right direction !

If you have smiles and laughs to share,
Don't hold them back but have a care
To help lone folks to brighter be
As merriment sets them free.

If you've got chat beneath your hat,
Spout it out and round about,
For talk's as good as wholesome food
To all those who sit and brood.

Yes! Smiles and laughs and warm chit-chat
Can cheer up those whose lives are flat;
So with goodwill be sociable,
And prompt them to climb that hill.

Then all you try won't be in vain;
What you've given will be their gain
From friendships never known before
That could last for evermore.

The words written here can also be sung to the tune for a Shetland waltz called 'The Dance Of The South West Wind'.

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